
Amber • 27 ; Wife👨🏼💍 ; Dog Mom 🐶 ; Acelynn Jayde 👶🏽

Ladies, I feel like I have to vent for a little bit. Out of the majority of my friends and out of the majority of my fiancés friends; we are the only ones not pregnant. We have officially been trying for a year and 2 months and I feel like ughhh!!!!

My periods are irregular to begin with so when I don't get one I get excited but then I test and get a negative! 😭😭. And then like 2 months later I get a period 💁🏽.

Idk. We've had a lot of stressful things happen within our lives and maybe God is telling us that now isn't the time but we both are gonna be 27 this year 🙃 I feel like time is ticking ⏳⌛️.

So if anyone has any ideas 💡 , tips, tricks or hints. Pleaaaasseee don't hesitate to send them my way.

PS- we have tried possibly everything.

Sending 👶🏽 BabyDust to everyone! 💫💨