My HECTIC birth!

On July 12th, me and my SO were playing with kids outside and I was very active. That night my belly was hurting, it wasn't excruciating but it was tolerable. I didn't think it was contactions cause it was very on going and I knew it wasn't Braxton Hicks. Well I was 34w and 4d, and that night we had went to bed and at 5 A.M. I woke up and felt wet with a little discomfort I thought he was just pushing on my bladder so I didn't yay attenton little did I know, my water broke! At 7 A.M. I woke up and felt so thing come out of me and I was EXTREMELY soaked. I felt down there and I was hemorrhaging, blood everywhere. My sheets were came and you could see blood through them. I was panicing, I woke my SO up and he was running around the house like a chicken with his head cut off, while I was pouring blood and passing massive blood clots, I was crying and nervous. Finally got 911 on the gone and the ambulance got me and I made it into L&D; by 7:30 and I was still pouring blood. I had 15 nurses and 1 doctor in the room 5 nurses were trying to get a good IV in my right arm and blew several of my veins at tube same time 3 more nurses were doing the same on my left arm. Then 4 nurses checking down there and one nurse to my left asking me history questions. I finally flipped out and screamed at them to tell me what was happening and the doctor said i was to go into Emergency C-Section right away. My mom and SO were outside the door and they kissed me and I went in to have it at 9:05 ,got sedated by 9:10 ,

and had my beautiful 4pd 6oz 17 1/2in baby boy!