had my baby


So i was induced sunday. went in at 7 am they inserted the cytotec at 10 am. walked around sat on a ball got myself to 5 cm. got stuck at 5 cm so they had to start pitocin to get things moving at around 4 i believe. still stuck at 5 for awhile. baby wasnt liking the positions i was in so after my epidural they broke my water. my epidural didnt get to take full effect due to having to change positions so much. i went from 7 cm-10 in less than an hr. had to wait for my dr for 45 min before theyd let me push so i had to lay on my side with my legs closed and labor down while fighting what my body wanted. but i got my son out on 3 pushes. he was 8.09 Ibs and 20 in long at 37 weeks 1 day. had him at 1139 pm.