Ever Feel Like Giving Up?


Hi all! I'm kind of new here... and by "new" I mean that I've been reading posts for a little while but have never posted.

Anyways, I am 31 years old and have no kids and have never been pregnant. I'm not currently/actively TTC, but I'm also not preventing. In fact, I haven't really consistently used any form of birth control... ever. I hate condoms and I can't use any form of hormonal birth control.

I was diagnosed with PCOS 3-4 years ago, and I also recently found out that I also have 2 larger (approximately lemon-sized) cysts on each of my Fallopian tubes. My doctor does want to surgically remove them, especially since they can be painful at times, but the surgery isn't scheduled yet. At my last consult, she talked about doing a dye injection after the cyst removal to see if my Fallopian tubes are viable... and I think that is why I keep putting off scheduling my surgery. I mean, what if my Fallopian tubes are viable and my only option is <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>? But then again, what if these cysts are the reason I haven't been able to conceive all these years?

On top of having PCOS, I also have a bunch of other health issues that would make pregnancy for me automatically be considered "high risk." Sometimes I wonder if getting that BFP would be worth it.

Maybe I'm just having an "off" day, but I just feel like giving up somedays...