What can I do about baby father posting baby on social media ?


My baby father keeps posting our baby on social media when I keep asking him not to, then he'll say sorry take it down for awhile then he'll block me and put it up and then lie saying I'm not blocked when I really am... my family don't really post our children on social media and when my baby was first born I didn't post on social media or announce anything, my family is already in a group chat so I sent a pic and time he was born in the group chat and then some family members traveled from Georgia to nc to come see him... ( I'm from Georgia and all my family is in Georgia except for my mom).

Is there anything I can do for him to stop posting the baby on social media ??

We do have a lot more problems but to much to type right now and we're not together and he doesn't even see the baby to post him because I refuse to drive 30 mins and use gas when I'm already using the little money I have left I saved before I went on maternity leave and I'm already buying and paying every single last thing myself, he hasn't bought the baby not one thing because he can't keep a job or get one because of how he act and his past.

Like I said it's a lot more but to much to type but is there anything I can do about that ? He isn't on birth certificate papers or anything!!