Baby making choking noises


My 7 weeks old was asleep then started coughing, then choking. I about had a heart attack. She just spit out some drool and now she's asleep again. I'm terrified to lay her back down I don't want her to choke while I'm asleep. I don't think I can sleep at all now. I'm over here on google looking at symptoms and thinking the worst.

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My son is 8 weeks and does the same lol. I sleep with one eyes open. I'm a light sleeper so i hear everything he does. Too make it even worst he sleeps with me lol. I'm so over protective he's my first child and I'm scared of things hapoening to him. I google things alot too also


Taylor • Jul 23, 2017
after each feeding is she getting burped correctly? my son burps twice after each feeding but for some reason like 30mins later. he starts gagging and now i know i have to burp him again.


olivia • Jul 19, 2017
Pulling an all nighter to watch her


olivia • Jul 19, 2017
Ok so your saying your baby has choked in his sleep? Then she started Coughing we had to hit her back and sit her up. I'm not sleeping tonight im


Posted at
Could be some reflux. We keep our boy in an incline when sleeping because of it.