Is it ethical for the president to hope Obamacare fails?


One of the talking points trump based his campaign on was repealing and replacing Obamacare immediately.

The house passed an unpopular bill to replace the affordable care act and the senates version was so unpopular that it died before anyone could vote on it.

Trump's response was that he would let Obamacare fail. His theory is that if Obamacare fails, it will be easier to pass a bill that slashes Medicaid expansions and kicks over 20 million Americans off of their insurance.

Is it ethical for the president of the United States to be rooting for the failure of Obamacare? The failure of Obamacare would mean that millions would have to drop their insurance plans due to rising costs.

In my liberal snowflake opinion, this is a sad example of the president's understanding of these issues. It's comparable to the infamous quote where he said he was rooting for the housing collapse of 2008 because he'd make money on it. He's famous for making money or benefiting off of other people's misery and suffering.

Should a president wish for current policies or laws to fail so that his agenda could succeed? Again, millions would be effected by the demise of the affordable care act and it seems not only unethical but flagrantly cruel to hope for that because he's too lazy to find a way to pass a bill the way everyone else does, which is by coming together to seek bipartisan support and passing a bill that both parties agree to. He can't even get his majority party to agree.

Edited to add the full quote: "We're not going to own it. I'm not going to own it. I can tell you the Republicans are not going to own it. We'll let Obamacare fail and then the Democrats are going to come to us," Trump told reporters at the White House.