My birth story

Mariah • Pregnant with our first!!

I'm so happy I finally get to write mine. After noticing some bloody show and having contractions all day Saturday which got to be 3 minutes apart I finally went to the hospital. I was nervous they were just going to send me home so I didn't go until about 10 pm. Once I got there I was 3-4cm dilated and my water seemed like it was about to break. They told us we were staying. Yay! I dilated another cm before they came in around 6 am and manually broke my water. They put my legs up on a ball and said we would be back in two hours to check me. Well my little man had other plans. A little after I got all this pressure and rang for the nurse. I went from 5cm to a full 10 in under an hour. 11 minutes after I called the nurse and only 2 minutes of pushing my sweet guy was here. Born at 7:01 am July 16 2017. Weighing 8lbs even. Welcome to the world Nolan Kyle 💙