Shower on Saturday

***UPDATE: Well, my shower was yesterday and my prediction was right! Got hardly anything from my registry and mostly clothes. I got a lot of really nice gifts that I very much appreciate, but the amount of things I'm going to have to purchase on my own is overwhelming. Just a bit disappointed and stressed about being able to afford ALL those items which are necessities. Oh and to the person that said the stuff on my registry was too expensive which came across as greedy, I've bought all of the furniture, my diaper bag, my car seat and stroller, my rocker, my baby carrier myself. There was literally nothing over $70 on the registry and the only really expensive thing was the diaper pail I wanted. Also for some reason, most people didn't even give me gift receipts so I'm stuck with it all. And I only got 1 gift card. Oh well, I'll figure it out. PS I did get two items that said "hunk" and one that said "handsome". lol 🤢***

Ok so I'm sure this is going to come across as entitled so that's why this is anonymous. But I'm stressing out because my shower is on Saturday and I have been obsessively checking my registry list, and almost NOTHING has been purchased. Which means I'm going to end up with a ton of clothes I didn't want in the first place that have stupid sayings like "Mommy's Hunk" and "Look out, ladies!". I wish people would just stick to the registry. I always do! I NEED that stuff that's on there!! Ugh.