Too nervous to sleep...

Kelsey • Morther of 1 sweet miracle (5), pregnant with baby #2 after almost three years trying with PCOS, and two hard losses. Praying for a safe pregnancy.

I am about 8-9 weeks pregnant and I have my first appointment and ultrasound tomorrow. During our last pregnancy, our first ultrasound showed fluid in the babies lungs and a high heartbeat. We were schocked, crushed. but optimistic that the baby would pull through. We were referred to a specialist and rechecked a week later, and they could not find a heartbeat. We scheduled a D&C; for the next day... We have never faced something so painful... My husband and I cried non stop for weeks... most the time with him resting on my belly, saying goodbye. I have tried hard to be positive this time, and not nervous, but tonight is getting the best of me. If you pray, please send a prayer for us, for a good scan tomorrow. We can't take anything less. I would gladly return the prayers your way for any fears you may have. 💛