Not sure?!

Alana • First Little Bub Due April 4,2018 💜 or 💙

I took a test thing morning. My first one ever.. And I'm pretty confused not going to lie. The test almost looks like it has a scratch where the pregnancy line would be? It's not pink at all, and very very faint. I'm guessing I'm between 8 or 9 days past my ovulation. I do have slight lower back pain on and off, annoying but not painful headaches on and off, I've felt pressure not really cramping since the day I ovulated. No breast pain or nipple sensitivity which I always get before my period so it's a little odd. Also my digestion is a little different between constipation and this morning diarrhea (sorry for the tmi). Being it is my first time TTC and taking notes a test and watching my ovulation it is probably all in my head though. I think it's a scratch in the test.. But I've never seen that before on anyone else's?! Please help..