ugh where to begin


So last Thursday I was hit by a girl who ran a stop sign, she t-boned my SUV causing it to flip once and land upright (amazingly) in a ditch behind the local funeral home (irony). I managed to be virtually unscathed besides a burn from the airbag and bruises from the seatbelt holding me in (I was completely conscious during the flip. No it was not fun. No it was not like a roller coaster ride. No it was not in slow motion). I saw her coming in a split second before the impact and all I could think was "Oh shit". I did not go to the hospital (I know, I know) I was so pumped full of adrenaline and fear I didn't feel much of anything. The other driver, a 16 year old from out of state and her passengers were not hurt either. I just started the process of being checked out, mind you, a week late because I'm stubborn, but I went to my primary last night. They did x-rays and confirmed no broken bones or slipped discs. I have a history of scoliosis so the impact made my neck and back inflamed and they told me to follow up with a chiropractor, gave me some pain pills annd muscle relaxers and got me out, much faster than an ER mind you. However, Monday morning when I was trying to get out of bed, the left side of my pelvic area made me crumple and almost cry. It feels like I tore a muscle(not sure how) and that someone is stretching the muscle while stabbing it with an icepick. Very intense pain, however, it is only when I try to lay down or sit up from laying down., occasionally when I sit or stand. I mentioned it to my Dr and they could see by the pained look on my face when they asked me to lay that I wasn't faking it. They immediately immiately ruled out pregnancy (by a urine test only) but did refer me to get an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound. My hubby is freaking out, like hes never worried about anything but he's scared thinking I had a miscarriage. I don't think so. We aren't trying but we arent preventingm. I'm due for my period next week so its always a possibility but I don't see how it could be because If so, it would have just implanted and then why such intense pain without any bleeding? Just venting my frustration and confusion.