I'm so confused

Him: you're what I've been looking for, I'm gonna make you mine. Make you my woman.

Me: yeah I've heard that before but they always disappear

Him: nah I won't disappear on you

Me: ok we shall see

Him: I'm falling hard for you (after two dates and him chasing me for a few months)

Me: lol no, you're not. Maybe it's just lust

Him: no, it isn't. I already miss you when I don't see you

Me: are you sure? Specifically what kind of relationship do you want?

Him: I'm not sure? I just want to see where things go

Me: but you said you wanted to make me yours and make me your woman

Him: what kind of relationship do you want?

Me: I want a solid one. Someone I can have fun with, be there for each other, a lover, a friend, etc

Him: I want that too and that's real

Me: 😑