Is it wrong to keep cats as inside only pets?


I know with dogs they need to be walked and exercised and it would be cruel to not do so.

But with cats, assuming you raised them from kittens as inside only it wouldn't do harm? I haven't researched it at all. So this is a completely uneducated response on my part.

I have been thinking of getting a pet, not a for a while, but I had cats as pets since I was a young child. They were allowed inside and out as they pleased, but both had a short life by being ran over and it was traumatic for me as a young child to discover them dead on the road.

I do understand getting a pet isn't just about me. I know it won't be there my whole life, but I'd be it's whole life. So before getting one I want to do lots of research and preparing. Not going to get a cat or any kind of pet just on a limb

But since having pets as inside and out they've died really early for me. So I'd prefer to have one just as an inside cat. But wouldn't do so if it's inhuman and does harm to it.

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