TTC really makes me more narcotic than usual 😫


So my ovulation calender didn't look like this a week ago..i did OPK ON the 16th - low, 17th high, 18th high... then 19th I couldn't get a reading until the after noon, it was just error after error then it said high....& of course i didn't have any more strips and had to buy more. It had the 18th as peak green. Now that im positive i can get OPK to work correctly the 20th and 22nd were low!! I was testing morning and night. Did I miss my chance of ovulation?! Woman's opinion, do you think there's a chance I ovulated and didn't know? I swear I feel I had a chemical pregnancy last month (never comfirmed by dr) so maybe it messed with my cycle.... Just venting. my husband is supportive, but I just don't feel like he truley understands... I mean how could a man really!