Faint line on hpt then early period!!!???!

So my cycles are normally between 31-35 days, never shorter than that.

On Friday morning which was cd 25 I started having very light brown spotting only when I wiped not on my underwear or anything.

The whole weekend each day I'd have a little bit of that brown spotting but each time very light.

We had sex Saturday night and I went to the bathroom afterwards and had a tiny bit of very light pink spotting on the tp.

Yesterday, cd 27 I took a hpt bc of all the spotting and some light cramping/twitching in my abdomen and I got my first ever positive on a hpt but it was a vvvfl.

Right after I took the test my "period" started. Something doesn't seem right. It's so early in my cycle to start and with that faint line. Does anyone have any suggestions?