Losing twins - please help!


I had an ultrasound at 5 weeks that showed perfect baby and then at 6 weeks I went in and there was no baby but an enlarged yolk sac and a second yolk sac (empty) - they share the same gestational sac so probably identical twins? They told me pregnancy is not viable and to expect miscarriage. Between week 5 and week 6 my symptoms almost all went away so I had a feeling something wasn't right. My doctor says it could be vanishing twin syndrome but don't know for sure yet. My Doctor said to come in either this Thursday (7 weeks and a couple days) or next Tuesday (exactly 8 weeks) to see what has happened. Based on that, she says we should make a decision and not prolong this. I feel like I would always wonder if I didn't wait long enough to make a decision before ending this pregnancy, given people don't even see their Doctors until 8 weeks. The radiologist said it's not viable and my doctor agrees but feels like we are in a limbo phase right now because we don't know what's going on with the other yolk sac but she feels that with my levels, we should have seen something. She said she doesn't want me to get false hope. My levels went from 21113 to 19500 so she doesn't think it's viable. Do I wait until 8 weeks for next scan and then even have another one after that?! Please help!