Family Conversation turned explosive


My fiancé and I were at my parents over the weekend, all engaged in random conversation, and my fiancé blurts out "tell them why you don't want to marry me" which was a little awkward at that timing.

(I am currently 26 weeks pregnant with our mutually planned baby). Our relationship has become a little tense lately and I just don't feel ready to marry him. Being engaged/married to him is something that I dreamed of, though now it's the complete opposite. He then asked me what marriage meant to me, and I answered him, he laughed at my answer. I asked him if he was ready to wear a wedding ring (I know the answer) and he went on to give my parents and I a million reasons why he refuses to, and how stupid it is for a man. I am a nurse and he works for a large factory, I expressed from the very start that I did not mean he has to wear it while working, though he still came up with a million excuses. The subject changed and the rest of us went on with a different conversation, he gets up and blurts "I'm going to get back with "exes name" and make things work with her" and goes outside to smoke. I was talking so I didn't really hear him, but my mom repeated it to me. It really bothered me. Especially since the ex is newly single and has been contacting him a lot lately.

Later when we got home, I asked him about it, and he said he felt out numbered and like we were all ganging up on him, and that what he meant was if he wanted to be doubted and treated so poorly then he should just be with her. I never stand up to him, especially for myself so it enraged him that I questioned it and he went into a manic fit. Kicking the baby gate out of the door way, knocking a chair over, slammed the door on his way out, kicked my deck multiple times and stood outside screaming. I got up and locked the door, a few minutes later he was knocking, I wasn't going to answer it but his knocks were getting louder and I didn't want to make things worse, so I opened the door. He continued to yell at me and I asked him several times to leave, he ended up punching my wind chimes and they flew about ten feet. I was scared for my life at this point, and seriously just wanted a cop to show up. He ended up leaving, and after about a hour I went to bed.

I was woken later to him again knocking on the door, he was calm and cool, and apologized. He went on to say that he thinks he is addicted to energy drinks, as soon as he drank one, everything was fine.

We spent the entire next day together and he was once again the sweet man of my dreams. HOWEVER I am having a super hard time letting it all go.

Input please!