Paragard issues

Hi all. I am a mom to a one-year-old and I've has the Paragard IUD in since my pp follow up over a year ago. No issues until recently. Last month I had a period that came four days late and thought nothing of it because eventually AF came. This past month my period seemed normal (?), but a few days later I started noticing some odd symptoms. For starters, my boobs are massive (and sore and covered in visible veins--tmi), my teeth are sensitive to hot and cold foods/drinks (never happens to me), I'm cramping a ton, and I'm extremely bloated. On top of that my skin actually looks clear and evened in tone for the first time since high school. My ovulation normally gives me some cramping and sore boobs, not to the extent of this. My immediate thought of course is baby #2, but obviously I have the IUD and I don't see how it would be possible with my cycle. Has anyone else had this type of thing? Did you end up pregnant? I'm just confused by the whole ordeal.