Any babies not laughing yet?


I took my daughter for her 4 month check up the other day and they had me fill out this big long survey to figure out how she's doing in terms of motor and communication skills. Her motor skills are great, but she scored just below average for her communication skills. What brought her score down was that she doesn't stop crying once she sees us, she keeps crying til she's picked up (first baby, it's how it's always been, she's picked up right away lol so she knows that's what to expect) and because she's not laughing yet... She does the odd tiny little "hehe" kind of chuckle, but no full on proper laughter yet. Doctor wants to see us again in a month to check her communication skills and made out like there was a problem, which really pissed me off. Like my daughter was babbling the WHOLE way through our appointment and doc had the nerve to tell me my baby's communication skills are lacking 🙄👊🏼

So are there any mamas whose bubs aren't proper laughing yet? Or for the mamas whose bubs are, what are sure fire ways to get your baby to laugh at you?