Sub drop?? First time please help

So I've been kinda In the background of the kink/bdsm stuff but recently found someone to enjoy it with. We've been together for months and yesterday he came over and /with my permission/ was lightly having his hand around my neck and was kissing me and pulling my hair and cuddling a bit. Now I'm a switch and I'm kinda used to a more dominant roll within settings but I told him I wanted to be more sub in the beginning with him. I was confused with some of the stuff but I also really liked it and everything was great. When he left he told me to text him and stuff bc he had work which he wasn't excited about. Now this morning I woke up feeling kinda bad like I wasn't good or something and little things are upsetting me like literally the smallest thing of our Snapchat streak ran out this morning and I was upset about that but ignored it and now I just want to lay here and cry for no reason? He has work today so he can't come over. I'm also PMSing right now which isn't helping anything. I'm just asking if it's possible to experience sub drop even though we didn't have full sex? I'm sorry I'm new to this and just need help!