

My son is 16 months and I'm still breastfeeding. Personally, I am ready to be done and I'm glad he's made it this far. He's a big boy (30lbs) and only bf when he wants to nap or at bedtime..oh and he STILL wakes up in the middle of the night to feed and he will not put himself back to sleep. I doubt he's getting much and I only think he's using me as his pacifier. I've tried to get him to sleep without breastfeeding him, offered him a cup of milk, tried crying it name it, I've tried it. How on earth do I wean him?! It's starting to wear on me as I still have to sit down with him to put him to sleep no matter where we are. I hope I'm not sounding like a horrible mom for wanting to wean him but literally he's such a big kid and I feel like he should be going to sleep on his own at this point. Idk what to do! Any help would be appreciated.