Question... Is Q-Tip test accurate?


Can someone please explain to me about the q-tip test I keep reading about. AF is due between yesterday and this coming monday due to it ranges between 27-31days roughly. Usually I get red to dark red spotting day before with no cm. Early this morning cm was light pink with a lot of cm but usually will not have cm and be there every time I wipe. This morning it stopped after first time I spotted and went back to clear to lotion color/texture. Cervix 3 days ago went from low and hard to high and soft. I can't tell if it's open or closed because it went too high for me to feel. So confused with my body. Doesn't help that I had dreams I was pregnant. I don't have usual cramps either like normally due right before AF. I am still telling myself it's AF just being messed up to not get my hopes up. Anyone have similar issues like this and still get bfp? I tried the q-tip test but it came out clear and slightly wet and the spitting has stopped since I spotted earlier. In January we stopped trying after multiple failed IVFs and IUIs. This month we just went with the flow and I didn't do OPKs, no temping and only checked cm/cp.