At a loss

I'm really at a loss of what to do anymore so I guess I'm just looking for some advice. I've been with my SO for a year, and I'm almost 35 weeks pregnant, FTM. I was married about 5 years ago, but we got divorced because he lied to me about a lot of things and cheated. anyways fast forward to my current relationship, and yeah I have trust issues. I was very upfront with my SO about that and asked him to just always be honest with me no matter what. Well turns out, my SO is also a liar. it started out about small things, like smoking when he told me he quit. then it turned into bigger things like talking to exes behind my back and buying drugs. I've caught him in all these lies, with proof, and he still tried to lie to my face and say I was crazy. granted yes I'm pregnant so I am very hormonal, but when the facts are right in front of his face he can't claim I'm the crazy one. anyways I guess I'm just really struggling because I love him, and I want nothing more than to just have a happy family all together, but I've been in a dishonest marriage before and it was hell because then I doubt every thing, and I know for my sanity, it's not healthy. but I don't want my son brought up in a broken family. is it worth it to try and make things work?