
Jackie • 24 y/o Jake G 💍 mama to LNG 4/21/17 👶💙. SAHM . Idgaf about your opinion. It doesn't phase me🙌I say whats on my mind. Gtfo my page if your a hater. I don't need that type of drama. Stay blessed . 🙏🏻

So I was washing my baby's bottles and as I was standing up by the kitchen sink washing them I felt a tingle between the bottom of my spine and top of my buttcrack.. I went to check if there was a bug crawling on me nope, I then checked if maybe a piece of my hair fell in in my crack nope lol

I've been feel this "tingle" for about a month now .. idk what it could be but I feel it a lot when I'm standing up.

Anyone know what it could be , I tried searching online and got nothing..