
Hey guys! I am new to this entire site. I just got on here last night for the first time, and I spent my entire 10 hour shift reading stories/articles in every group to familiarize myself with what other women are going through.

I guess I could start off with an introduction! I am a 26 year old mother of two beautiful boys; 4 and 6. (If you see that gray thing over my seat in the picture, it's my seat protector since they are SO MESSY!) I just recently got married, (April 2017) but my husband is not the father of my two boys. My husband is ready to have his 'own' child, and I am over the moon excited! Both of my children were unplanned/unexpected, and I am just really nervous after reading similiar stories that I will face a long difficult road TTC #3. I am due to ovulate this coming week, not been on birth control, and I am just really nervous I guess. Can you give me any advice on what did/did not work for you? What to expect? Etc.

(I do not expect that I will be conceiving this month, so I know that I won't get my hopes up.)