Off the wall emotions, unhealthy food cravings.


This foolishness happened to me earlier tonight. I was in the middle of working my 4th 12 hour shift this week as an infectious disease nurse when I started craving chicken nuggets. Normally, I eat healthy and stick to a vegan diet. Since I've become pregnant, all I crave is chicken. Chicken nuggets, wings, sandwiches. You name it. Well, earlier in my shift I ran across the street to McDonalds. I got an order of chicken nuggets and headed back to work. I was in the break room chewing down and realized that I had run out of nuggets to eat. I was overcome by a wave of emotion and started crying, like legit crying that I was out of nuggets. About that time a coworker walked in and noticed I was visibly upset, they asked what was wrong, I told them, and I've never see such laughter come across someone's face. Literally a grown woman crying over the lack of chicken nuggets. Needless to say, I think I'll go for the 20 piece next time.