Discussion Topics before TTC


Hi everyone, so my partner and I are thinking about TTC. What things should we seriously discuss before committing to this? we are vastly different in our religious views and such, so how we will raise this child is definitely something we will have to discuss. can anyone offer any other topics we we really need to think about? some things to consider about us is that she is MTF transgender and currently pre surgery. She is willing to stop her hormone treatments in order to be able to conceive. However, she is having her GRS in October so we really have only 2 months to do this, so all discussion and certainty that we are both all in is urgent. She really really wants the child to be biologically hers. I wish we could try to see about freezing her sperm in case we decide now is just not the right time for us, but that is incredibly expensive. Also, we are not married and really not even officially dating, but I plan to talk to her about that as well because we are very much in love, live together, and basically are dating without the label. The commitment of the label, however, would make me feel better, so I will be discussing that with her to pit my mind at ease. Something else I feel is important to note is that she already has two sons with her ex wife. This will b e my first pregnancy. If you can offer any other things we should discuss before officially TTC, I'm all ears.