Born in 45 minutes on his due date! ☺

Went to my appt Friday and was 3cm, 90% effaced and had my membranes stripped. Woke up today (Sunday) on his due date at 4:20am with terrible contractions. Went to hospital 10 minutes away and he was born at 5:09am. I was dilated to 6cm when I arrived. He had a deceleration and I was hyperventilating so they threw on some 02. A few minutes later I was dilated to 10cm and the nurses were in the hall yelling to see if the OB had arrived yet. Pushed for about 5 minutes and he came out 7lbs 7oz and 19.5 inches long. This was my 2nd baby (and my first was born in 3 hours). We are so in love!