Is it wrong or selfish for pregnant women to complain about pregnancy?

Nicole • Mummy of 3💙💙💗 #4 due October💗

Is it wrong for them to say they can't wait to be skinny again? I don't think so. And I can't stand when women who aren't pregnant yet bash women for feeling the way they do about their own bodies. Seriously, people have feelings and pregnancy isn't always going to be the perfect ride. You say when you get pregnant you'll appreciate every second of it, you'll be so happy that you won't complain once and I'm sure you will, but believe me there will be times when you complain. I understand the frustration and pain of wanting a child so bad and it just won't happen. I waited 3 years for my son. Now ttc again and it's frustrating already. But it's not fair to bash other women because of how they feel about their own bodies. Pregnant women can't just smile through the pain, tiredness, sickness or whatever issue they have just because there are other women trying for a baby in the world. It's okay to let it out sometimes. It's okay to say you can't wait to be skinny again. It doesn't mean they don't appreciate being pregnant or having a baby. I'm not trying to tell you how you should feel but what I'm saying is If you don't like women complaining about their pregnancies then fine. Just don't take time out to write a post to criticise and judge them. It's completely unnecessary and unfair. Anyone agree/ disagree? I'm interested in hearing the opinions of those who disagree.

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