Femoral nerve pain


Since starting the bed rest 3.5 weeks ago, I've been having problems with restless legs syndrome. Couldn't sleep from all the crawling sensations in my legs. Now a new problem got added to this - femoral nerve compression. Let me tell you, the rls was nothing compared to that! Last night was by far the worst night. There is no position that would lessen the discomfort, and inability to be on my back means I am constantly contributing to what started it all. While trying to put myself in all the weird positions that seemed to be promising, I also tweaked my back and my whole back was on fire. It was miserable :( I am afraid to move now that I am awake and relatively pain free. If anybody knows anything about this problem - please, help! Any advice is appreciated.

26+5 with twins, strict bed rest (horizontal for 22 hours out of 24), if that makes a difference.