My friend blocked me because of political differences:p

On snapchat i posted about the government basically just fed about about people protesting all these things. The people chose the president so get what you give. Anyways so my close friend messaged me and she was basically on the opposing side(trump) *disclaimer i am on Bernie Sanders side lol but when i see injustice i go off)

Anyway, she told me she voted for trump because she thinks the people of this country are lazy. So i totally went off and educated her because she wasnt well informed and she blocked me. I feel bad that i went off on her. I tried calling, texting, and idk what else to do.

She just caught me in the heat of the moment (mind you im pregnant so my emotions were all over the place). So any suggestions? PLEASE NO HATE ! It doesnt matter who voted for. Its your choice and i DON'T CARE. Just need my friend back. ADVICE ONLY!

ADDED: i know i went off on her and it wasnt my intention. I know things could have gone different. Just it happened already so just need help.