I love him


I tried to get my boyfriend into the mood, but he said he was too tired. Being extremely emotional and hormonal, I wanted to cry but then looked at him and realized HE was crying. He said he felt bad becuase he wanted to please me. it made me so happy, (and sad) that he felt that strongly about it. I told him it was ok and that his health is more important. (he work HVAC, which is hard labour out in the 100+ heat, and how he is also cooking at the college as well. I understand why he's tired)

I realize this spunds insenstive and selfish, but I've been gaining weight and possibly pregnant. this is all hormones and I was just feeling like sharing. I guess I didnt use the right words??? in sorry if I offend any of you in any which way, but please refrain from being rude. thank you.