Any dream interpreters out there?

I keep having this dream and honestly it just plain freaks me out. This is the fourth time I've woken up from this dream and I can't go back to sleep. It's always the same..

My now husband and I are on a trail. I'm not really sure where or why. On this trail we get passed by an old man carrying things. He hurries past us, head down and eventually we see him go into a long brick building that has some pretty recent renovations going on. Possibly a church but it doesn't have a steeple.

We realize that it's near dusk/getting dark so we start to head back. We pass a rock (still near this building) with some random things on it like a pack of cigarettes, etc. where people have been working on the building. I see a flashlight. I hesitate because it would be stealing but I take it anyway because I'm terrified of the dark and our phone lights wouldn't have done much. I told myself and my husband that I would bring it back the next day.

We start walking back, idk for how long and we start to see campfires with people sitting next to them. I cling on tighter to Adam and he tries to hurry me on because as we pass they get up and start following us. Some of them trying to bribe us to buy or trade something with them.

And then I wake up because I'm telling them to stay away from me and they keep getting closer. And I can't

Go back to sleep because people following me, the dark, all of it just gives me

The creeps.

Has anyone ever had a dream, a really vivid one and later on down the road part of that dream really happens? I have plenty of times and this dream has that sort of vividness to it.

My mom told me when she was younger before she divorced my father that she kept having a dream of snakes and fire and that a Wiccan friend of hers told her that snakes were her enemy and that fire was the resolution. She found out he was cheating and they divorced shortly after. So I somewhat have a belief in dream theories. This may all mean nothing but some of it has to...