Some people are so lucky

some people are so lucky to have found their soulmate. someone that loves them dearly says and does nice things for them. i would give up anything to find the person for me.... i have been in a relationship 5 years and still counting. and everyday i just feel hes not that one. i have wasted so much time.... and have even had a baby. sometimes i wish i would have left long ago when i first knew he wasnt the one...... i just crave love. to feel loved. to feel apreciated and special to someone. i want someone that will hold kiss and hug me without me asking. somwone that will marry me and go all out to propose. is that too much to ask for.... the relationship im in now theres nothing special i have to ask for hugs and kisses and to be held. he doesnt go all out to make me happy like i used to for him on holidays and birthdays.... hell i dont even get anything for christmas and thats a super important holiday for me.... valentines and my birthday down the drain 5 years.... before my son no baby shower i had to beg for everything including affection and just to simply rub my belly... i used to do so much to try and please and live him i just stopped when i realized he wasnt willing to do it for me.... i want a better relationship. why me?.....