

Anyone else's otherwise sweet baby going through a tantrum phase (I mean hopefully it's a phase?!) I thought it wasn't supposed to happen until the "terrible" two's! I know it's because she can't communicate what she wants but how have you been handling? I feel like I suddenly don't have mothers intuition with this!

Example when I picked her up from daycare yesterday she took another kids doll and threw it on the ground. I said "no we don't do that" and picked the doll up and picked her up and she started crying and kicking/hitting me. This seems to be happening more and more if she doesn't get her way. Crying/kicking/hitting. One time she bit my face! I want to nip this in the bud right away and be consistent but I feel like I'm always second guessing my reaction. Do I ignore her? Do I hug her (I once read kids that act out are the ones who need love most) or do I speak sternly toward her.