LOW HCG 11/12DPO anyone?

Tarah • mom (40) to five on earth, four in heaven. pro photog, author, artist & musician.

I had my first BETA on Wednesday, at 11/12DPO. I'm due for my period today or tomorrow. I've been testing faintly positive since Monday. They are getting a little darker at a time. So, I have looked all over the net, checking for HCG levels and doubling times. To me, it seems normal that mine would be 8.4, just a couple of days after implantation. Especially, if the typical time is 48-72 hours. But, everywhere I read, that's just ridiculously low. I had additional blood drawn today, but won't have the results until Monday. STRESSED OUT to the max.

Anyone else? I've never had an issue with rising HCG or progesterone in my past 4 pregnancies. I know that each is different.