Hormonal 😂😭 If you haven't seen Greys but plan to watch, ignore this.


So my husband is overseas right now on a security detail that they put him on last month but should be home very very very soon 😍

He doesn't even know I'm pregnant so I have to keep my hormones in check because I plan on telling him when he gets home.

Before he left we started watching Greys together. This is the 4th time I'm watching it (I am not ashamed lol) and the first time he is watching it. We are on season 8 right after the plane crash where Lexi died. He left at the end of season 7 so season 8 begins with Mark dying. He, of course, doesn't know this because he hasn't been able to watch it.

Today he was talking about how excited he was to come home to watch Greys and I am too because he loves Mark lmao

. Then this is our conversation 😂

Husband: "But I'm very disappointed."

Me: "Why?"

Husband: "Because I saw on Facebook where it showed 10 deaths you can't get over on Greys. I didn't click it but.."

Me: "You clicked it? Why would you do that?!"

Husband: "I didn't. Someone commented where it said something about Mark."

Me: *fighting through tears* "I can't believe that. I'm so disappointed."

Husband: "Are you fucking crying?"

Me: "No... I'm... Not.. I'm just very upset "

Husband: "It's.. Okay.."

Lmao, I seriously need to pull myself together 😂