Sex in the 1st trimester


So this may be TMI but I don't know if I'm the only person going through this. My fiancé and I are sexually active probably 2-3 times a weeks prior to getting pregnant. I'm 9 weeks, we found out a month ago. Since we found out we have had sex twice. In the past I could sit on the sofa in sweats, no makeup and he would still come on to me. I have been really tired, nausea and hormonal. I have had to switch bedrooms because our master bed is way to hard for me now and is giving me back pain. So we haven't slept in the same bed for 2 weeks. He claims he doesn't know if I'm angry, sad or sick so he hasn't tried to be sexual with me at all. I'm not overly stimulated to have sex but I don't not want it. So now I'm thinking he's not attracted to me or doesn't want me. And my mind is going even further thinking he would get it from someone else (which rationally I know he never would) since he's not getting it from me. Or could it really be he just doesn't know when is a good time to come on to me. I was thinking of maybe just coming on to him and try to stop over thinking. I guess since my emotions are all over the place I'm afraid of him rejecting me because he's still confused of how I'm feeling or whatever. Is anyone else going through this?