What do you keep in your 7/8 month olds diaper bag?


I'm having trouble condensing! Loll

We cloth diaper and currently keep

•4 diapers (on a full day outing)

•Travel Changing pad

•Wet bag

•Small waterproof pouch holding diaper rash cream, tylenol, chamomile teething tabs, natural teething gel, gripe water, and sunblock as well as two syringes (one for tylenol and one for gripe water)

•boogie wipes (take up barely any space, they're JIC I run out of wipes on accident)

•teething necklace for me to wear and him to chew when I'm holding him

•teether of choice (he has like three that he loves)

•musical toy

•small crinkle touch and feel book

•pouch of essential oil rollers

•babyganics hand cleaner

•my wallet

•clean burp rag to soak and put on his neck when we're out in heat

•Muslin blanket for when he permits a nursing cover

•cloth wipes in the wipe holder that came with our diaper bag (Eddie Bauer backpack)

•NOW packing snacks & meals if we're gonna be out for them

I feel like that's a ridiculous amount of things!! What are you keeping in yours?