I am so freaken over today

Jenni • Your opinion is not my reality 😘🍷

It all started last night. I wasn't feeling well and got sick a few times. Well at 6am, I started to have really bad stomach pains and diarrhea. I deep down wanted my husband to stay home, but he started a new job today, so he really needed to be there.

Fast fwd.... I have 3 kids, 6 year old boy, 2 year old daughter and a 1 year old daughter.

1 - My 1 year old took off her diaper and peed on the floor.. So I put her in a different outfit but it was a dress. She did it a second time, but this time i put her in pants.

2 - I go and make lunch. It was exactly what my son asked for... Well he didn't want it he wants something else.

3 - I'm getting the girls down for a nap. They finally just passed out and my son decided to throw a fit screaming and stomping because I won't let him have a candy bar due to not eating his lunch.

4 - My one year old is now awake, crying, theeeennn... puked. So, I'm cleaning all that mess up. Get her washed up.

5 - I have to go #2. I'm doing my business which was maybe 5 mins. I come out to my daughter, 2, eating the lunch I just threw away out of the TRASH.

6 - Fast fwd. a couple of hours later, I'm in the bathroom again. I Come out to ..... my 1 year old eating poop that's all over the floor because my 2 year old decided to take her diaper off after she pooped.

Let me remind you. I am sick myself. I got 3 hours of sleep between bathroom trips. I broke down. Let this be birth control y'all.

Share your stories. Please tell me I'm not the only mom who has a completely failed as a parent day.