No Period Negative HPT


i have been irregular since day 1 and the doctors thought until I was 14 it was gymnastic syndrome. At 14 i was diagnosed with endometriosis and PCOS. At 16 i was told I wouldn't be able to have children without fertility treatments. I got married in Dec 2014 at 24, i had maybe 4 bleeding periods the whole year, and somehow got pregnant naturally after our wedding. I carried her for 33w6d and went into preterm labor with her passing in the NICU 38hrs later. We were heart broken. I had a "period" 9 weeks later (I bled for 4 days only from 2pm to 5pm like clock work). I got pregnant again. She was born April 1st 2016, 9 weeks early. I was on the Mini pill until April 2017 and have been having unprotected sex since. I have found it near impossible to track my CM or my cervix position since they seem to drastically change from one day to the next. One day high, next low, next med. I check same time every day. I am also checking my BBT, having difficulties seeing a pattern. We have been actively trying for 3 mos, I know that isn't long compared to most of you, but I'm frustrated. my last "period" (another 2-5pm bleed) was June 23 and haven't had even spotting since. Negative HPT's. I bought some ovulation tests to see if I can get some more data, but I heard they aren't accurate with PCOS. If anyone here has any ideas I'd love for some input.