
School starts up in less than a week and i really want to change up my look.... So i got a haircut about 2 months ago and my hair grows super slowly, so thats a change and i like it, but growing up with a medium sized family (2 sisters and 1 brother) is really hard considering my mom not being able to work and my dad being somewhat of a pushover to his boss... im the middle child with my brother who is the only boy so theres a problem my older and younger sisters get whatever they want whenever they ask for it, and then my brother who apparently has to go to the mall every time he's not asleep in his damn room where he doesnt know how to budget and is always buying unessesary OBJECTS, yes random solid objects, he's using my dad's money *the only income which isnt very much* and some how getting cash from out of no where, all he does is sleep and get special treatment because he's stuck with girls "24/7" which is a complete load of bullcrap. so you know that thing "it's not easy being the middle child"... whoever else is a middle child KNOWS its NOT AT ALL EASY !!!! anyway i got off track, i want to change, i WANT to get my eyebrows done my nails done i to get a full body wax, and i want new clothes my own clothes i dont want hand me downs that dont fit because my older sister is nothing but bone, and i have meat on me 😒😴, im just so freaking tired of being put last, 😢, im tired of not being able to get what i want because theres nothing but scraps left after they're done😭😢🤕😡😩😪😝😖 and on top of everything else i get blamed for most crap, i have HORRIBLE insomnia and no one in my family seems to freaking care.... im sorry this is really long i just really wanted to get that off my chest!!