Random nightmares?!


For a few months now I've been having really bad nightmares. They occur randomly and I don't know what's causing them. They're really scary because they're all about me being kidnapped, molested, or almost raped. I'm 17 and have never been sexually abused, but I don't know why I'm having these dreams. I always end up waking up crying afterwards. Sometimes the person taking advantage of me in the dream is someone I know, like my father, best friend, or boyfriend, but other times they're just random men. My mom told me it's because I feel like a male figure in my life is trying to or will take advantage of me (in a non-sexual way). I don't really feel that way about anyone in my life though. My boyfriend's theory is that it's a way for my brain to represent my "fear" of sex. I'm a virgin and I'm not necessarily afraid of having sex, it's just not at the top of my list at the moment. My bf has that theory because my dad is kind of taboo about sex and never really talked to me about it, so he thinks it's just a way for my brain to demonstrate any possible concerns or fears I may have subconsciously. I don't feel like my mom's theory or my bf's theory is right. Idk how to stop the dreams or figure out what they mean (although some may believe there is no "real meaning"). I'm just frustrated because I keep having them and they can get pretty realistic.. Any ideas, opinions, etc?