Fertilaid ovaboost and fertilCM

So I couldn't be more please with these products for Fairhaven health! I have had the irregular periods (ranging anywhere between 30-90 days. Some periods lasting 7 days and others lasting 2 days.),annovulatory cycles, "normal cysts on my ovaries where they say "they will go away on their own." I took a vow to get myself on track. I've been tracking consistently for over 2 years. This includes even checking my CM and my cervix. So yes I'm very familiar with my body. Of course symptoms throughout my cycles. I started myself on vitex and Maca root which worked wonders for me. Diet was next. Incorporating more fruits and veggies and lots more water. (I even went vegan for 6 months *I've never felt better while on that diet*) I try not to eat so much meat or anything white which includes sugar bread pasta milk. There are other ways to get what u need and it even better for ur body to absorb and break Down. Anyway I'm am now on my 2nd cycle with using these products and I can say it's been wonderful! No bad after taste what so ever. I can actually feel when I ovulate which I am ovulating now and I did ovulate last cycle as well. My CM is VERY fertile!!! And my cycles are getting shorter seeming to balance out. Last cycle was 30 days!!!! Yay!!! I tested posted two days in a row for ovulation. And this cycle today makes my 2nd day in a row again for ovulation!!! I couldn't be happier!! Crossing my fingers that this cycle is ours!!! Sprinkle that dust girls!!! And if your contemplating these products id definitely look into them!!! -One happy gal