TTC baby #2


Okay so this is kinda long but I'll try to make it short - I feel like I'm crazy! In early June I had my mirena taken out in hopes to conceive another baby. My midwife told me she usually sees a quick turn around and her patients get pregnant in the first cycle off the mirena. My husband was all on board at first but now it seems not so much. Which is fine. He's more of a if it happens, it happens type of person. Well we have sex once a week of that. Which frustrates me because in my mind I'm not good enough for him no mate what he says and I don't want to make it seem like it's a job to conceive another baby. So this month I thought for sure this was it. I was going to get a positive; wrong I got negatives. I was three days late and then I ended up getting my period. This is only day two and it's the worst I've ever had. I feel so sick, I'm so crampy, I'm super hormonal (which I usually am never any of this). So here's where I want to go crazy because I so badly want to be pregnant again I start to think well what if I am? With our daughter I got pregnant in December but got a really bad "period" which just turned out to be implantation bleeding. We ended up finding out in January that I was 5weeks. I feel like this is what I'm going through again but according to the tests I'm not pregnant. Am I crazy?! Do I just want this so bad I'm imagining things? What was everyone's experience with getting off birth control then getting pregnant? Sorry this is long, thank you in advance.