I'm already just done. Excuse my language.

I had sex for the first time on July 30th. Them again on August 7th.

I already can tell you I hate it. I don't know when I'll be able to do it again.

My boyfriend and I waited THREE YEARS to do it.

And I just don't think I can.

We used condoms- check.

He pulled out before he even ejaculated- check.

Here I am still waking up in sweat spells and crying everyday because I'm so scared I could be pregnant because it was around my fertile time- check.

I get so freaking scared about pregnancy.

Birth control isn't any option by the way.

I just don't know what to do. I am so scared. No more sex for me.

What scares me the most you might ask?

All the people saying you can get pregnant from pre.fucking.cum. My parents raised me telling me basically that if I touch a penis I will fall pregnant. I am beyond scared that somehow precum was either on the condom or my hands or his hands or somewhere. This is hell. Pure agony.

Just leave a comment. I fucking beg of you.