Multi/mixed race issues

For those who come from a "mixed" family, have you ever encountered a situation that made you feel uncomfortable or less than what you are?

I grew up in the Midwest, my Mom is half White and Puerto Rican and my Dad is Black ( to me we are all people). Fast forward to my early 20's we moved to Texas and I had a culture shock for sure. I've never seen so much emphasis placed on race in my life. My father is from Alabama and I feel he really shielded us from how big race may or may not play into things. The older I get the more I realize that things are still very much crazy or unequal.

To go into the mall or for example the coach store with my white grandmother and she make a 1200 purchase and she not be carded, I make a 60$ purchase and get carded... doesn't seem right or fair to me. We both were regular customers but no longer, this isn't the first time it has happened either.

Any thoughts or opinions ?