
It's depressing when you're desperately trying to getting over someone and you're surrounded by people in relationships and happy stuff and then you start feeling sick and you know exactly what exactly why you feel like that and you get sad and start crying and you just feel empty for the next 24 hours and you don't really feel happy anymore and wish it was just anouther one of your ongoing nightmares but then you trip and you feel the pain and know it's not real and cry even more and you have no friends so you can't ask someone to help you feel better and your parents are just avoiding you after the first 24 hours after the break up and you just either lock yourself in your room and cry or go out and try to be happy and maybe make friends but your community is mostly older people and you're only 18 and you wish you had friends but you don't so you're alone because the person you were in a relationship with was the only way you actually got out regularly and met people and they aren't going to come back and you know it and you're sad about it and you just crawl back in your hole and sit there and get even sadder and now you feel like you know nothing else but being sad and hungry and tired