We haven't bought ANYTHING 😱

ambar • Blessed mama to my lucky little 11/11 and 1/22 girls💜

Forgive my long rant but I'm a FTM and the nerves are hitting me! I'll be having 2 baby showers; one thrown by my coworkers and another large coed shower with family and friends. Everyone keeps saying don't buy anything until after the shower, put it all on your registry and you'll be surprised how little you have to buy after. Well, I just finished our registry and just feel nervous that my husband and I may potentially make some large purchases right at the end before she's here. I'll be 32w for the showers so we have plenty of time to buy and setup but I almost wish we would have gone with our gut in buying a few items every month.

I feel like people will look at our registry and laugh at how much we've put on there, but there is no way I'm expecting to get it all. We have good jobs, saving to buy our first home in March, and our little love is our first child. Our little tot is so very loved already, first grandchild and great-grandchild on my side, and first granddaughter for his side. Also the first "work baby" at my office.

My type A is just kicking in and I feel lost knowing we'll have to wait until the end! The plus side is we can choose to hold off on items that might not be necessary at first and make smaller purchases after she's already here. Anyone else holding off on buying things until after the shower? We've only purchased wall decor for her room and crafts for shower decorations as I am helping my sister and mom make everything.